Fire Risk Safety Assessment Course | Fire Risk Assessment Training Courses – MY FIRE



A fire risk safety assessment is an extensive, in-depth inspection into the health and safety of business premises and therefore highlights potential risks & hazards that could occur during normal operation. 

These Include 


  • The level of risk of an incident resulting in a major incident.
  • The nature of the incident & the likelihood of a major incident development.
  • Control measures that would be implemented.
  • The scope of control measures in consideration.
    Severity of risk to health and safety.


For the Premises


  • Identify the maintenance, monitoring and operating parameters of control measures.
  • Analysis into the likelihood of potential community threat that could occur as a result of a serious incident.
  • Practical Demonstrations of control measures.
  • Detailed summary of the consequences following a major incident.
  • Assessment Into effects of a major incident including summary of all associated risks, causes ect.
  • Preparation of control measures not yet set in place.


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Outcome of a Fire Risk Assessment


  • Identify the chances of risk from each major incident.
  • Identifies the consequences for each incident.
  • The chances of an incident and whether or not it could have developed into a larger incident.
  • An in depth analysis and identification of practicable control measures.
  • A detailed description of how control measures will address the risk.

A fire risk safety assessment also examines the structure and use of the building, in addition to layout and contents. Case study on the structural assessment of building damaged by fire. It asks at what level does the use of the building affect the risk of a fire and what steps should be taken to minimise the risk. It also asks how many people are on the premises and how they will escape should a fire break out.


Why is it Essential?


Fire Risk assessment is a primary tool to prevent injury and danger to employees and staff, and keep them protected from any unfortunate fire incident. In case you are an employer or the owner of a building, this assessment is a legal requirement.

There are multiple purposes of a fire risk assessment such as ensuring the health and safety of workers, checking the existing control measures, and ensuring the implementation of any additional measures if needed. A regular check is crucial to make sure that the risk assessment plan is flawless. We offer fire risk safety assessment courses to different organisations, from commercial buildings to schools and restaurants. We also supply fire safety equipment on a national basis.

It’s also vital from a business point of view to fulfil legal responsibilities. There are examples of many organisations which never recovered from fire which led to an irreversible loss that was financial and caused damage to equipment. The only way to revert any possible disaster is by ensuring effective fire assessment measures.


Important note: If the premises or building that is under your ownership has a fire incident, and you have not attained the legal requirements then you will be liable to criminal prosecution.

Who Is Responsible For A Fire Risk Safety Assessment?


The basic responsibility lies on the employer to carry out the risk assessment of the building. Once the risks are identified, it is important to take the steps associated with a risk evaluation. It helps in minimizing the potential effects related to fire emergencies. For any historic building, it is suggested that you should carry out the assessment from an expert who knows well about the safety measures of such buildings. If you own a small business with few employees and the premises is not complicated, you can do the assessment by yourself with an appropriate guide. Large buildings require fire risk safety assessment through a competent person as there are complexities in such buildings. Also, staff need proper fire safety training.


You are Responsible if you are:


  • A property or building owner.
  • An occupier of the premises.
  • An employer
  • A landlord
Or, anyone else who is in control of the building such as building and facilities managers, building agents and fire risk assessors. Larger premises may have more than one responsible person, these personnel should practice regularly to ensure a smooth evacuation should a fire occur. 
If you are a Responsible Person, you must:
  1. Conduct and review the fire risk assessment of the building regularly.
  2. Prepare emergency plans and procedures.
  3. Inform colleagues of identified risks.
  4. Teach staff and provide the information together with instruction and fire training.
  5. Set down and maintain the necessary fire safety measures.
  6. As the responsible person you must regularly review a fire risk assessment for the building. This will identify what needs to be done and what steps need to be taken in order to keep people safe and prevent fire.

When to Carry out a Fire Risk Assessment


Periodic risk assessment is necessary to analyze if the current measures are valid or what is required to adhere to the complete risk assessment plan requirements.
A sufficient fire risk assessment should be performed prior to a specific activity to reduce or eliminate the risk to the health and safety of the personnel involved or those who could be affected by the fire.

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How to Perform

The following steps are important for a comprehensive fire risk assessment. These include:

  • Check the personnel who are at risk.
  • Risk evaluation and execution of the precautions.
  • Identify people who are at risk & identify the fire hazards.
  • Evaluate, remove or reduce the risks recording your findings.
  • Prepare an emergency plan and provide training to staff.
  • Review and update the fire risk assessment on a regular basis.

Things you need to consider:

  • Emergency routes, exit and assembly points.
  • The use of fire fighting equipment
  • Fire detection and warning systems on the premises.
  • An emergency fire evacuation plan that caters for the needs of vulnerable people, e.g. young children, the elderly or people with disabilities or limited movement.



You should frequently practice fire safety with your staff and provide information to employees and other people that are on the premises


A fire risk safety assessment can be carried out by yourself with the assistance of guided help. If you lack the experience of carrying out an assessment, then you should appoint a competent person to perform the risk assessment. Alternatively, you can contact us for help. You should also consider the assessment and removal or safe storage of dangerous substances (D.S.E.A.R).

How much Does a Fire Risk Assessment Cost?

A fire risk assessment is crucial in order to comply with fire safety standards and to keep staff safe, but how much does an FRA cost? Risk assessment costs can greatly vary from one supplier to another. As a benchmark on our comprehensive FRA cost, you can expect to pay around £400, and for a fire risk assessment review, you can expect to pay around £250. 

Need other fire safety training? Then our range of fire safety courses are available nationwide both on-site & online via the Zoom platform. Click here to learn more 

On a Regular Basis, Review, Revise, & Monitor.


Your fire safety risk assessment isn’t a one-time event; it should be revisited on a regular basis. The evaluation should be reviewed if the conclusions of the assessment are no longer valid, or if there has been a substantial change to the premises, or if the organisation of the work done has altered the fire risk or the fire safety measures. Situations that may need a review include:


  • Identifying flaws in fire safety procedures or areas where improvements might be made.
  • The introduction or expansion of hazardous substance storage.
  • Changes to work practices, such as the addition of new equipment, as well as changes to the structure, such as the interior layout major alterations to the furnishings and fixtures
  • A change in the amount of individuals present or the characteristics  such as disabled people.Displays or stock amounts have changed significantly.


Ask yourself how a fire could start

  • Consider naked flames and heaters, hot equipment such as welders, generators, cigarettes, matches.
  • Consider rubbish, packaging, desks, wooden furniture can all burn the same as the well-known fuels. Also consider plastic, rubber and foam.
  • Are the ceilings constructed with hardboard, polystyrene or chipboard?
  • Have you found anything that could burn?
  • Have you identified anything that could start a fire at work?


Consider the people at risk

Consider if the risk would be higher depending on the place and type of work. Staff that maybe on a nightshift will have less knowledge of the premises. Visitors, the elderly and disabled people are all highly vulnerable.

Have you identified?

  • Who could be at risk
  • Who could be especially at risk?


Evaluate and act


  • What are the risks of a fire starting and what risks are there to people in the nearby buildings?
  • Can and have you remove and reduced  the risk?
  • Could a source of heat or sparks come into contact with something that can burn?
  • How can you avoid accidental fires? 


  • Have you removed or secured any flammable items that an arsonist could use to start a fire?
  • Who will ensure everybody gets out of the affected premises?
  • Have you assessed the risk of fire in the work premises? How to prevent fires in the workplace
  • Have you assessed the risk to staff and any visitors on the building premises?
  • Are sources of fuel and ignition such as heat or sparks kept apart? If somebody wanted to deliberately start a fire, could they use anything around them?
  • Can you put out a small fire and stop it from spreading. Fire extinguisher types & uses
  • How can you make sure everyone is safe in the event of a fire.
  • Will you know that there is a fire?
  • Have you protected your premises from arson or accidental fire?
  • Do you have a plan in place to warn other people of the fire?
  • Who will call the fire brigade emergency service?


How will everyone escape should there be a fire.

Does all fire safety equipment work as it should?
Are there escape routes planned?
Will people be able to find their way out of the building, even at night or in the dark?


Record, map, plan & train.



Keep a record of any hazards and what you have done to reduce or remove them.


Make a plan

It is critical that you have a clear plan on how to prevent fires and how you will keep everyone safe in the case of fire. If you share the building with other businesses then you should coordinate the fire safety plan with them.


Train staff

  • Have you planned with your staff what will happen if there is a fire?
  • Has the plan been discussed with all staff members?
  • Have you made a record of the things that you have found?

You should ensure that you train staff to ensure they know exactly what they need to do in the event of a fire.


Have You


  • Coordinated with others that you may share the building with?
  • Informed and trained people. 
  • Performed regular fire drills and recorded all details.
  • Ensured that all staff can fulfil their roles should a fire break out.
  • Appointed staff to put your fire safety measure in place.
  • Discussed the plans with temporary staff?
  • Changed work systems and practices?
  • Made any changes to the premises, inside and outside?
  • Have you scheduled your next fire evacuation drill?
  • Changed stock items or changed the amount of stock in anyway?
  • Ever had a fire or a near miss fire at work?
  • Started to secure dangerous substances in a safe and secure manner?



Keep your fire risk safety assessment under regular review as changes around the workplace can happen which can effect the fire safety assessment. If you spot any changes in risk or there are any changes made to the safety plan, you should inform others of the changes and train the staff where required.

Now that you have completed the checklist, do you still need some further information? Contact us for a chat

The above checklist can assist you in completing a fire assessment but you may still require additional information if your business is large of you have many staff. We have published several resources that you can use to assist in the prevention of fire. These can be found in our resource section.



D.S.E.A.R is concerned with the danger that can arise from fire, explosions and other events which involves dangerous substances in a workplace. Under this regulation, the minimum requirement for the protection of workers is set so that they could be kept safe from hazardous matter, gases under pressure, and corrosive substances. For an explosive atmosphere, different ‘zones’ are allocated.






To provide quality services to our clients and remain unbiased & even-handed while protecting people, property, businesses, and the environment.



Have a question or would like to arrange a consultation?


  • Do you have the right fire safety systems & proceedures in place?
  • Are you legally compliant with all the fire safety requirements of your business?
  • Do you and your staff know what to do in a fire emergency?

Well if not, we are here to help.

Get in touch with us now for a Free Consultaion

My training has already been completed. The material was presented in a very straightforward manner, with excellent visuals. 
Having known and used Paul's expertise for over ten years now I would have no hesitation in recommending him as an expert in fire risk management and training. He has an informal approach to training and his knowledge... Read more
Having known and used Paul's expertise for over ten years now I would have no hesitation in recommending him as an expert in fire risk management and training. He has an informal approach to training and his knowledge on this subject is second to none. He is a safe and expert pair of hands.
Paul has in-depth of knowledge in his subject area, professionalism and a genuine personal touch
I have just had my fire training and I’m impressed with myself having had to put out a real fire! It is probably the most useful training I have had in my 17 years with the company, and I hope I never use my new skills.... Read more
I have just had my fire training and I’m impressed with myself having had to put out a real fire! It is probably the most useful training I have had in my 17 years with the company, and I hope I never use my new skills. Paul was great and made it fun and entertaining too.
I have commissioned Paul to do work for different roles I have been in and always found him to be an excellent resource of fire safety in all its forms? He is reliable, accurate and above all a pleasure to work with and... Read more
I have commissioned Paul to do work for different roles I have been in and always found him to be an excellent resource of fire safety in all its forms? He is reliable, accurate and above all a pleasure to work with and to know. His standing is reflected in his large personal network of professionals in so many different disciplines.
My training has already been completed. The material was presented in a very straightforward manner, with excellent visuals. 
Having known and used Paul's expertise for over ten years now I would have no hesitation in recommending him as an expert in fire risk management and training. He has an informal approach to training and his knowledge... Read more
Having known and used Paul's expertise for over ten years now I would have no hesitation in recommending him as an expert in fire risk management and training. He has an informal approach to training and his knowledge on this subject is second to none. He is a safe and expert pair of hands.
Paul has in-depth of knowledge in his subject area, professionalism and a genuine personal touch
I have just had my fire training and I’m impressed with myself having had to put out a real fire! It is probably the most useful training I have had in my 17 years with the company, and I hope I never use my new skills.... Read more
I have just had my fire training and I’m impressed with myself having had to put out a real fire! It is probably the most useful training I have had in my 17 years with the company, and I hope I never use my new skills. Paul was great and made it fun and entertaining too.
I have commissioned Paul to do work for different roles I have been in and always found him to be an excellent resource of fire safety in all its forms? He is reliable, accurate and above all a pleasure to work with and... Read more
I have commissioned Paul to do work for different roles I have been in and always found him to be an excellent resource of fire safety in all its forms? He is reliable, accurate and above all a pleasure to work with and to know. His standing is reflected in his large personal network of professionals in so many different disciplines.
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