A fire risk safety assessment is an extensive, in-depth inspection into the health and safety of business premises and therefore highlights potential risks & hazards that could occur during normal operation.
These Include
For the Premises
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Outcome of a Fire Risk Assessment
A fire risk safety assessment also examines the structure and use of the building, in addition to layout and contents. Case study on the structural assessment of building damaged by fire. It asks at what level does the use of the building affect the risk of a fire and what steps should be taken to minimise the risk. It also asks how many people are on the premises and how they will escape should a fire break out.
Why is it Essential?
Fire Risk assessment is a primary tool to prevent injury and danger to employees and staff, and keep them protected from any unfortunate fire incident. In case you are an employer or the owner of a building, this assessment is a legal requirement.
There are multiple purposes of a fire risk assessment such as ensuring the health and safety of workers, checking the existing control measures, and ensuring the implementation of any additional measures if needed. A regular check is crucial to make sure that the risk assessment plan is flawless. We offer fire risk safety assessment courses to different organisations, from commercial buildings to schools and restaurants. We also supply fire safety equipment on a national basis.
It’s also vital from a business point of view to fulfil legal responsibilities. There are examples of many organisations which never recovered from fire which led to an irreversible loss that was financial and caused damage to equipment. The only way to revert any possible disaster is by ensuring effective fire assessment measures.
Important note: If the premises or building that is under your ownership has a fire incident, and you have not attained the legal requirements then you will be liable to criminal prosecution.
Who Is Responsible For A Fire Risk Safety Assessment?
The basic responsibility lies on the employer to carry out the risk assessment of the building. Once the risks are identified, it is important to take the steps associated with a risk evaluation. It helps in minimizing the potential effects related to fire emergencies. For any historic building, it is suggested that you should carry out the assessment from an expert who knows well about the safety measures of such buildings. If you own a small business with few employees and the premises is not complicated, you can do the assessment by yourself with an appropriate guide. Large buildings require fire risk safety assessment through a competent person as there are complexities in such buildings. Also, staff need proper fire safety training.
You are Responsible if you are:
When to Carry out a Fire Risk Assessment
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How to Perform
The following steps are important for a comprehensive fire risk assessment. These include:
Things you need to consider:
You should frequently practice fire safety with your staff and provide information to employees and other people that are on the premises
A fire risk safety assessment can be carried out by yourself with the assistance of guided help. If you lack the experience of carrying out an assessment, then you should appoint a competent person to perform the risk assessment. Alternatively, you can contact us for help. You should also consider the assessment and removal or safe storage of dangerous substances (D.S.E.A.R).
How much Does a Fire Risk Assessment Cost?
Need other fire safety training? Then our range of fire safety courses are available nationwide both on-site & online via the Zoom platform. Click here to learn more
On a Regular Basis, Review, Revise, & Monitor.
Your fire safety risk assessment isn’t a one-time event; it should be revisited on a regular basis. The evaluation should be reviewed if the conclusions of the assessment are no longer valid, or if there has been a substantial change to the premises, or if the organisation of the work done has altered the fire risk or the fire safety measures. Situations that may need a review include:
Ask yourself how a fire could start
Consider the people at risk
Consider if the risk would be higher depending on the place and type of work. Staff that maybe on a nightshift will have less knowledge of the premises. Visitors, the elderly and disabled people are all highly vulnerable.
Have you identified?
Evaluate and act
How will everyone escape should there be a fire.
Does all fire safety equipment work as it should?
Are there escape routes planned?
Will people be able to find their way out of the building, even at night or in the dark?
Record, map, plan & train.
Keep a record of any hazards and what you have done to reduce or remove them.
Make a plan
It is critical that you have a clear plan on how to prevent fires and how you will keep everyone safe in the case of fire. If you share the building with other businesses then you should coordinate the fire safety plan with them.
Train staff
You should ensure that you train staff to ensure they know exactly what they need to do in the event of a fire.
Have You
Keep your fire risk safety assessment under regular review as changes around the workplace can happen which can effect the fire safety assessment. If you spot any changes in risk or there are any changes made to the safety plan, you should inform others of the changes and train the staff where required.
Now that you have completed the checklist, do you still need some further information? Contact us for a chat
The above checklist can assist you in completing a fire assessment but you may still require additional information if your business is large of you have many staff. We have published several resources that you can use to assist in the prevention of fire. These can be found in our resource section.
D.S.E.A.R is concerned with the danger that can arise from fire, explosions and other events which involves dangerous substances in a workplace. Under this regulation, the minimum requirement for the protection of workers is set so that they could be kept safe from hazardous matter, gases under pressure, and corrosive substances. For an explosive atmosphere, different ‘zones’ are allocated.
To provide quality services to our clients and remain unbiased & even-handed while protecting people, property, businesses, and the environment.
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